we got sick

I apologize for the lack of quality posts this week... Andrew's cold turned into the babies cold... and I went from feeling slightly less energizer bunnyish to just plain tired.  I've been laying low at home with the babies, keeping them nice and warm inside away from the snow that arrived on Wednesday, reassuring them when they cough and get a horrid... what is happening to me look on their face, and giving them nice warm eucalyptus scented baths.

I did manage to get my first massage post babies yesterday.  What a way to spend an hour.

I am hoping to find some fabulous deals tomorrow for black friday.  More and more Canadian stores seem to be adopting this holiday... and I am loving it!  First up... Anthro... tomorrow am... an extra 50% off all sale items... unheard of!  Also... tons of stuff on etsy is on sale!

Are you planning on taking advantage of black friday sales?  Please do share!

I hope your week has been splendid and that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving (for all of you Americans)!


  1. I don't do anything for black Friday. I used to work etail so I void it!! But I do cyber Monday!!!!!
    I hopeyou all are feeling better. I am terified of me or her geting, that wil be soooo hard!

  2. Sorry to hear your family has been under the weather. I hope you got some great deals yesterday!

  3. Went to Target for Black Friday. They opened at midnight. I don't think I'll go there again :P But I've been to other stores on Black Friday and they were much more organized.

    Anyway I prefer Cyber Monday. I can shop at home in my PJs and not worry about crowds!


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