an afternoon with the cows

Yesterday we took a little trek to a local farm to introduce Isla and Alice to some farm animals.

I hadn't been to this farm for oh about twenty years...

it was smaller than I remember... of course

but was such a nice way to spend an afternoon..

the girls seemed to have a good time... especially on the see saw

pretty sure that was my favourite part too

of course we'll have to return when they can walk the farm...

not that I am in any rush for that to happen!

how was your weekend?


  1. Fun! We took Chloe to a farmstead last weekend and she really seemed to enjoy it too. I love being able to do things I did as a kid now with my own daughter.

  2. Both my girls started crawling forward. Yikes!!! I'm going to be busy busy until the super yard we ordered comes in!!

  3. Hi Ashley! I just wanted to let you know I nominated you for a versatile blogger award! Check it out here:

    Looks like the girls had a great time on the farm!


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